FARMING has always been in his blood, but entrepreneur/sportsman Michel Lhuillier was discouraged by his father, so he shifted business gears, but never forgot his dream.
Slowly but surely, he acquired properties and planted them with flowers and fruit trees mostly in a small northern Cebu town--Carmen, a two-hour drive from the city. Here he also brought his 30-year-old orchid collection.
He also has horses, but didn’t know how to manage them until he met fellow business visionary and horse-lover Eduard Loop, who became the catalyst in expanding his farming venture.
The 170-hectare property was indeed underutilized: What to do?
Cebu Safari and Adventure Park was born.
Michel and Eduard thought of bringing in animals from around the world and allowing them to roam in their natural habitat without bars or cages.
The Safari, not yet fully operational, boasts of 1,000 animals from 110 species, among them: mammals like small ruminants, big and small cats, primates, equine, big ruminants; reptiles like crocodiles, lizards, snakes; birds like parrots, hornbills, lory, dove, water-borne fowls etc.
Throughout the property are animal trails, pavilions and snack stops at designated areas around the park. In restaurants are courteous and helpful staff ready to assist even the PWDs (persons with disabilities).
Aaahhhh... But after the African adventure, the spectacular scene of Michel’s Garden is a feast for the senses: terraced-style colorful mayanas of every shade greet your eyes, and so does his one million species orchid collection.
Indeed, Cebu Safari will provide a world-class center for visitors to experience fun and education, while maintaining focus on biodiversity and appreciation for nature.
More flora and fauna, Michel!