The Aboitiz-Mendezona book

Author  Matthias Mendezona (third from left), with family, Mikele Mendezona, wife Mikey, Amale Mendezona-Jopson, Rafa Jopson and Noy Jopson.
Author Matthias Mendezona (third from left), with family, Mikele Mendezona, wife Mikey, Amale Mendezona-Jopson, Rafa Jopson and Noy Jopson.
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THAT was quite an afternoon we spent at the Casa Gorordo Museum, scene of some of this city’s historical, cultural and literary milestones.

That afternoon was no exception! The book “You Can’t Save 80 Million Filipinos! But You Can Build Me a Park” was launched in the event sponsored by the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation and AboitizLand.

Co-authored by the late Roberto “Bobby” Aboitiz and Matthias “Bube” Mendezona, the book chronicles the challenges, trials and tribulations, thoughts, as well as insights of the authors and other key figures, during the pioneering, grueling years of Balamban’s West Cebu Industrial Park.

What used to be a sleepy, nondescript town, Balamban is now a bustling municipality, and is home to world-class shipbuilder Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Cebu Inc., and other companies, employing a total skilled workforce of 15,000.

Balamban is not only a shipbuilder’s haven but has also continued to prosper in this era of modernity. In nearby barangay Cansomoroy, AboitizLand has made great strides to develop a forest community, Foressa Mountain Resort, where residents can breathe in nature’s bounty at its best! Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and camping are a few of what Foressa has to offer.

The glamorous attendees were a cross section of Cebu’s officialdom; prestigious members of the Aboitiz and Mendezona clans, their family, friends and partners; and the regal presence of Señora Paqui Melendez de Aboitiz, Bobby’s mother, who no doubt, beamed so proudly that day!

Balamban—from a remote area to a growing, dynamic industrial town. Bravo!


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