Internet shops, gyms allowed to reopen in Cebu City

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INTERNET shops, gyms and selected sports facilities will now be allowed to operate in Cebu City, according to an executive order released by the city mayor.

The city will remain under general community quarantine (GCQ) from August 16 to 31 due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic.

In the recent executive order issued by Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella, some establishments that were not allowed to operate before are now included in the permitted establishments but only at 30 percent capacity.

These establishments include those offering personal care (except full body massage) and aesthetic procedures and services; gyms an fitness studios (limited to individual workouts only); sports facilities (limited to non-contact sports and other forms of exercise); testing and tutorial centers (maximum of 10 pax inside the venue while observing social distancing); review centers (only for health-related professions); internet cafes (limited to work and educational purposes); drive-in cinemas; and pet grooming services.

Industries that fall under category IV are still prohibited to operate, which include language, driving, dance, acting and voice schools; entertainment industries; libraries, archives, museums and cultural centers; tourist destinations; travel agencies; full body massage; tattoo and body piercing; and live events.

Activities that would gather a crowd are also still prohibited such as holding of traditional cockfighting and operation of cockpits; beerhouses, night clubs and other similar establishments; and kid amusement industries. (JJL)


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