FOUR kilos of imported methampetamine hydrochloride (shabu) allegedly from India amounting to P27,600,000 were seized from a female claimant following a controlled delivery operation on Tuesday night, April 12, in Trece Martires City, Cavite.
The operation was jointly conducted by operatives led by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Pampanga Provincial Office, PDEA Calabarzon, Clark Airport Interdiction Unit, Bureau of Customs Port of Clark, AVSEU3, Cavite PPDEU and Trece Marteres CPS.
Authorities identified the arrested claimant as Lionela Dela Cruz, a resident of Barangay Aguado, Trese Martirez, Cavite.
The parcel containing the imported shabu emanated from India and arrived at the Port of Clark last April 9, 2022.
"The imported meth was concealed inside a four motorcycle sprocket box and was consigned to Dela Cruz. The discovery of the illegal substances prompted us to launch a controlled delivery operation against the consignee," authorities said.
A charge for violation of Section 4 (importation of dangerous drugs) of Republic Act 9165 will be filed against the suspect lady consignee. (With JTD)