Building Bridges

A Sound Mind
The first batch of parents attended the talks on Mental and Spiritual Health
The first batch of parents attended the talks on Mental and Spiritual Health
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Ms Anne Makilan (center), President and Owner of Happy Beginners School of Learning with faculty members, this writer as the speaker on Mental Health and members of House of Glory.
Ms Anne Makilan (center), President and Owner of Happy Beginners School of Learning with faculty members, this writer as the speaker on Mental Health and members of House of Glory.

Happy Beginners School of Learning organized “Building Bridges: a parent empowerment group” to create a supportive and empowering environment where parents can connect, share experiences, learn from each other, and advocate for their children’s success. The school’s students are mostly children with special needs.

The school administration has scheduled quarterly gatherings for the parents with speakers to discuss specific topics to assist them.

This program is something that is encouraged. I am confident that other schools and companies have also formed support groups for parents and even their staff.

People with medical conditions also have a therapy group or a booster team. We have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers, and others. Even people who are separated, divorced, annulled, or widowed have a “club.” Families join the Christian Family Movement (CFM) and couples connect with Couples for Christ.

A support group can make you feel that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are other benefits to joining a support group.  This can improve your physical and emotional well-being. It can bring a longer life. Support groups can reduce your stress, and prevent depression and anxiety.

Support groups usually meet regularly to talk about life – the “How are you” and “Are you ok” sessions. Many have prayer meetings. Sometimes they bond to celebrate successes, birthdays, and anniversaries. Other times, they have guest speakers or discuss anything they want to talk about.

Catharsis is defined by the dictionary as the process of releasing and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. This allows emotional release. Sometimes it is hard to talk about a situation when the person you are talking to does not understand what you are going through.

A support group can truly empathize and understand you. Because you might share the same experiences. You learn from each other.

Another important benefit to further dig upon is the prevention of mental health conditions.

Depression involves feelings of sadness, feelings of unworthiness, and hopelessness. Depression is a common mental disorder. Depression can lead to suicidal thoughts. Depression can happen to anyone. People who experience stressful events or abuse and severe losses.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is the body’s natural response to danger, an automatic alarm that goes off when you feel threatened, under pressure or are facing a stressful situation. There are several forms of anxiety like panic attacks or phobias.

Anxiety is a normal stress response but it can become a medical concern when persistent fear or worry is present and when excessive reaction to stress is frequent.

 person who experiences depression or anxiety may need to seek help when it affects one’s day-to-day living routines, can’t finish a task, and can not find meaning in activities that one has enjoyed before.

Healing is possible.

Mental health concerns can be prevented. There are a million ways.  One is already mentioned – joining a support group. Another is to do what makes you happy. Happiness that does not hurt yourself or other people.

It’s ok to be not okay. If you need help and you are a student, please visit your school’s Guidance Office. If you are not in school, please visit a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist.

Help is available. Message me at if you need a list of mental health services in Negros Occidental.

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