Every year we celebrate Mother’s Day every second Sunday of May. This year it falls on Sunday, May 12.
A mother, most of the time, is the center of one’s family. She is the one who nourishes and carries a baby for nine (9) months. She makes sure that the home is clean and every member of the family is cared for. She is selfless, who prioritizes her husband and children first.
Our parents are our first teachers. Our fathers give us love and security. Oftentimes, it is our Mother who teaches our values. She shows us how to pray. She gives us unconditional love and care. Most mothers will always be there no matter what happens. She is our biggest fan and number one cheerleader.
During my Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA)-Bacolod Chapter days, we had patients with mental health conditions whose mothers never gave up. Other members of their families have given up, but there are still mothers who would bring their children to our office regularly for consultation.
An adult child sometimes runs to her mother for advise and calls her when he or she is sick. Some would say my mother is my best friend. Our mothers are irreplaceable.
Sadly, there are mothers who are not loving and supportive. It is possible that she is not the “motherly” type and accidentally got pregnant. Some would abandon and neglect their children. There are centers who welcome abandoned and neglected children … like Kalipay Negrense Foundation, Holy Infant, Bacolod Girls Home, Bacolod Boys Home and the like.
Roman Catholics have a MOTHER, Mama Mary, the mother of Jesus, son of God. We pray to her and ask her to intercede for us. She is also someone we call on when we are “down”and not feeling good. She gives us comfort too. My mother and grandmother taught me to love her.
Aunts, godmothers and teachers can be our second mothers. They give that extra love and support when needed. They also assist our mothers.
Be grateful if your parents are still alive. Give them your love. Be patient with them. It is painful to lose a parent. We lost our parents in 2021 and we are still grieving until now. You are blessed if they are still with you. There are many ways to show your love for them, not just this Mother’s Day but every day - give flowers, call her, have a date together, and many more ways.
I honor my mother - thank you, Mom, for your unconditional love and support.
Cheers to all Mothers! Enjoy your day.*