Catap-Lacson: Salute to all our teachers

Catap-Lacson: Salute to all our teachers
SunStar Lacson
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In the present age which is characterized by ever-changing technology and progress in social systems, the functions of teachers have expanded so that they can be regarded as Today’s Heroes. Resilience, compassion, and dedication are among the qualities that they portray in molding the destinies of the forthcoming generations and society as a whole. This essay is centered on the reasons that constitute that claim of such high consideration for teachers; how they touch individual lives, the work they do for the community, and the importance of developing some thinking and a sense of responsibility in them.

There is no denying the fact that the greatest impact of education is made by the teachers on the students. They also tend to be the first ones to recognize the abilities of the child and help nurture self-belief and the spirit of education in the child. A teacher’s best words may turn a weak student into a strong victor such as the appropriate elixir to ingrain in them the will to triumph in approbation on all spheres of life. Oftentimes in the case of most students, teachers will take the part of the coaches and the trainers who help them to breach boundaries during their growth stages. These boundaries may be too stagnant for the growth of some skills, for instance, and as such form relationships outside of learning. Such skills are crucial for anyone desiring to work and succeed in the modern world.

It is important to understand that being a teacher entails more than teaching. Teachers belong to the community. Their work promotes tolerance and understanding. They enrich the culture and social practices of a given society. In periods of conflict, whether natural or otherwise, teachers will not hesitate to engage in the struggle for their students and their parents by initiating activities aimed at creating some resources and providing psychosocial care. Education as a tool of social change is promoted by them and helps students from various backgrounds speak out and fight for what is right. Thus, they are instrumental in the growth of the community and imparting values that extend to other spheres of life outside teaching.

The pedagogue’s responsibility in today’s world, which is characterized by the excess of information but has the habitual aversion to the truth, is to teach the student the skills of critical thinking and discrimination. They stimulate an appetite for questioning, arguing, and viewing issues from different angles which is how students are prepared to face the outside world. Nurturing this sense of wonder, this critical thinking, allows these educators to arm the youth with the weapon of constructive conflict to any social issues.

Besides, they also promote the concept of social responsibility in their students. They strive to teach history, ethics, and their application in practical citizenship to stress the need for self, caring, and well-informed activists. Assigning community service and asking them to be active in movements further clarifies the relationship of the students to the future. The desire to raise responsible members of the society depicts an attitude of hope about the possibility of change and this is a very brave notion indeed.

Becoming a teacher is a journey that comes with insurmountable hurdles. They work extra hours most of the time, while also enduring endless challenges such as standardized tests, administration, and lack of materials. However, through all this, one remarkable thing about teachers is their commitment to their students. Surely these traits demonstrate the kind of heroism that their work entails. Thus, overcoming such situations is accountability towards the vocation, which encourages the people around the teachers.

As heroes of the present day, the exhaustible resource for certain ‘transformation’ otherwise known as creativity, are the teachers; ...because they create people. The teachers’ devotion, kindness, and persistence are properly directed toward preparing descendants for generations to come. There is difficulty in addressing problems in the 21st century without acknowledging the prominent role played by teachers while carrying out teaching as a heroic deed in itself for that nurturers hopes of a better and fairer tomorrow for all. The immense efforts of these individuals go beyond mere fantasy; they are a transformation tool, changing society by changing one student at a time.


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