THE Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) has applauded Mayor Michael Rama's plan to conduct a surprise visit of the city's police stations to evaluate their level of cleanliness and order.
The mayor made the decision after learning that there are lazy and untidy police officers.
“Murag dugay na gyud ni niya gusto nga buhaton but siguro na overtaken by other events nga mas importante pa sa iyang pagduaw sa police,” according to Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter, the deputy city director for operation of the CCPO.
(It appears that he has been wanting to visit the police stations for a while, but other events must have taken precedence over this.)
The CCPO has 11 police stations which include Parian Police Station 1, Abellana Police Station 2, Waterfront Police Station 3, Mabolo Police Station 4, Carbon Police Station 5, Sawang Calero Police Station 6, Inayawan Police Station 7, Talamban Police Station 8, Guadalupe Police Station 9, Labangon Police Station 10 and Mambaling Police Station 11.
It has also two Police Community Precincts located in the mountain barangays of Malubog and Adlaon.
Mayor Rama was reassured by Rafter that the city police are making an effort to match the government's support by offering genuine services that promote peace in the community. (With TPT)