City spends less than half of budget

CEBU. The Cebu City Hall.
CEBU. The Cebu City Hall.File photo
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CEBU City has saved over P234 million in its expenses for the Palarong Pambansa 2024 even while ensuring the event’s success.

Cebu City Acting Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia said in a press conference at Cebu City Hall on Monday, Aug. 12, 2024, that even though the expenses were less, the Palaro was still successful.

“We really did not need to spend that much for the Palaro to be successful,” said Garcia.

According to Garcia, out of the P405 million budget approved by the Council, the Cityhas spent around P171 million taken from two accounts.

He said the Palaro budget was taken from the annual budget for the City-sponsored activities, which had a P200 million allocation, and from the supplemental budget (SB) 1 which had an allocation of P205,974,035.

In a Facebook post, the Cebu City Public Information Office said Palaro utilized P148,029,413 from the annual budget, while P22,999,830 was taken from the SB1.

The Palaro took place last July 6 and concluded on July 17.

When asked where the savings will go, Garcia said it will be used as source for other things like the SB2.

In a previous report, Garcia said he trimmed down more budget appropriations for hosting the games.

Garcia reportedly authorized the charging of P262 million out of the approved P405 million.

He also said there is still a possibility that the authorized budget will be lower, noting that there will be parties who will place lower bids, such as for the rental of portalets and portabaths. / JPS


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