Every day, we do a variety of things for work, school or just for recreation. As we do these activities, we need certain stuff to make it more convenient for us to accomplish them. Some of these important items are so small that it sometimes slips our minds if we already have them with us or not, especially when leaving the house.
While forgetting stuff or doing certain things is normal, an increased frequency of memory slips can be alarming, especially among the older people as they can be early symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. According to medical professionals, forgetfulness can be caused by certain medications or having an underactive thyroid. It may also be caused by alcohol intake, lack of sleep or stress, which can actually be minimized through adjustments in our lifestyle.
Whatever the cause may be, when we forget things, especially the so-called essentials, it may cause a lot of worry and distress and may affect our mood when we go through our daily routine. Today, young readers share the must-haves that they often forget.
“As an architecture student, I bring a lot of stuff to school and many of them I sometimes forget. One of them is my laptop mouse. I would recall times when I was so confident that I had everything in check but later found out my mouse wasn’t in my bag. I end up taking a lot of time to finish rendering my projects on my laptop just using the laptop’s trackpad,”
Allan Francis Ignacio, architecture student
“I often forget to bring my water jug. Staying well-hydrated is important to health and bringing your own water jug encourages you to drink more water every day,”
Ralph Jude Dinolan, hotelier/pro-basketball player/model & fitness coach
“I often forget to bring a phone charger or power bank. This is important since I use my phone heavily throughout the day for academic and personal purposes. However, bringing one slips my mind at times especially when I am in a rush or the charger is not in its usual spot in my room where I can immediately see it,”
Janine Trangia, civil engineering student (USC)
“My watch is essential for me since I am particular with time management. But I forget to wear one, especially in times when I am in a hurry,”
Herrick Arfie Cambonga, architectural apprentice
“I often forget my wallet when I leave the house. I definitely should not since my driver’s license is in it. However, it is a good thing that I never forget it whenever I’m outside,” Iolo Keon Villegas, architecture student (USC)