Quotarians and chamber affairs

Present. Front row from left: Quotarians Corazon Gupana, Aurora Achas, Pinky Shan, president Rafaelita de la Merced, Antonia Colina, Estellita Wong and Dolores Yacub. Back row from left: Charter president Nerissa Soon-Ruiz, Christine Lasala, Jay Alinsug, Leonora Calijan, regional director Maria Celeste Wong, Rose Leaño, Judy Castillo, Hyacinth Wong, Julie Cortes and Didith Kho.
Present. Front row from left: Quotarians Corazon Gupana, Aurora Achas, Pinky Shan, president Rafaelita de la Merced, Antonia Colina, Estellita Wong and Dolores Yacub. Back row from left: Charter president Nerissa Soon-Ruiz, Christine Lasala, Jay Alinsug, Leonora Calijan, regional director Maria Celeste Wong, Rose Leaño, Judy Castillo, Hyacinth Wong, Julie Cortes and Didith Kho.
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WITH Montebello Villa Hotel Cebu as venue, 13 Quota International (QI) clubs from Region 19 gathered for good ole camaraderie and fellowship.

Ever active and enthusiastic host club was QI of Mandaue under the able stewardship of newly installed regional director Maria Celeste Wong and immediate past regional director Marilyn Navales.

Adding a touch of elegance to the affair was the presence of QI president Marie Dobson-Dunlop, who found the theme “Bloom in Quota” quite appropriate.

So, here are the energetic ladies of QI-Mandaue who spread the red carpet of welcome and Cebuano hospitality. Stand up and be counted: President Rafaelita de la Merced, our good friend Pinky Shan, Estellita Wong, Jay Alinsug, Generosa Efthimiou, Katya Bacayo, Arlene Suzara, Hyacinth Wong, Didith Kho, Dolores Yacub, Rose Leano and Antonia Colina. Here are more: Corazon Gupana, charter president Nerissa Soon, Yanyan Bacaltos, Leonora Calijan, Julie Cortes, Aurora Achas, Christine Lasala, Judy Castillo, Edisa Ermac and Dot Hagens.

What’s a QI event without dancing? There were only two contestants: QI-Cebu and QI-Davao, with the former garnering first prize!


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