I’ve always been pro-divorce. My argument is simple. I believe in freedom of choice.
And while laws exist to protect citizens and uphold their rights, I don’t believe we need protection from divorce. Rather, we need divorce enacted so our rights as citizens can be upheld.
We don’t need the government to make decisions for us. Rather, we need the government to empower us to make our own decisions, one of which is to free ourselves from the bondage of untenable unions.
Marriage is a personal decision. If one is given the freedom to marry, why should one not be given the freedom to unmarry? Divorce does not harm society. People do—those who are abusive, those who are immature, irresponsible and ill-prepared for marriage.
But mistakes happen. If even convicted criminals are eligible for parole, why must victims of crimes be condemned to a lifetime of suffering?
People should be free to leave miserable marriages, to end toxic unions, to legally terminate contracts that no longer serve their purpose. Good contracts contain term ends. They also contain cancellation provisions.
The contract of marriage, however, has none of these.
Forever sounds romantic but it becomes toxic when spoken in the same breath as abuse, addiction, abandonment, infidelity, indolence, indifference, vitriol, volatility, violence.
For how much longer must Filipinos endure the insufferable bondage of abusive relationships? But then again, why must the presence of abuse be necessary to end a union? Shouldn’t it be enough that both are in mutual agreement?
Isn’t consent a necessary requisite of any contract? When there is no more consent from one or both parties to continue the union, the union should cease.
Why does the Church not allow married people to unmarry and remarry when it allows priests to leave the priesthood and marry? Compassion cannot be selective. Why does the Church prefer annulment when it is hypocritical and discriminatory? Divorce is more honest and equitable.
Why are we afraid of divorce? No one is forcing us to get one. Just because divorce does not serve any purpose in our lives does not mean we should deprive others who need it to end their suffering and start a new life.
Why are we afraid of out-clauses? Is it because we lack faith in our unions? Why are we afraid of choices? Is it because we fear we will make the wrong one? Why are we afraid of endings? Every end is the start of a new beginning.
Those who govern the country should rise above their personal beliefs to give everyone the freedom to choose for themselves because a secular state serves all citizens, regardless of religious convictions.
I’m not pro-divorce because I need a divorce. I’m not pro-divorce because I think it’s a wonderful thing. I’m not pro-divorce because I’m anti-marriage. I’m pro-divorce because I believe in freedom of choice.