A 43-YEAR-OLD man was critically wounded after being hacked by his elder brother while sleeping in a hut next to their ancestral house.
The incident took place past 10 p.m. Friday, September 15, in Barangay Tangke, Naga City, southern Cebu.
The victim was identified as Wilky Bartiana, married.
His elder brother, Rendo, 47, who is unmarried but has a live-in partner, turned himself in to the police after the incident.
He also turned over to the authorities the ax he used in the crime.
According to their inquiry, Police Master Sergeant Jake Catane of the Naga City Police Station said that the victim's refusal to pay their water and power bills was the cause of the occurrence.
Because of his anger, Rendo attacked the victim while he was sleeping.
The assault was stopped when Wilky's wife stepped in.
The victim and the suspect both reside in the same home.
The victim is now recuperating at the hospital. (DVG/TPT)