In the corporate world, a specialized language has emerged that professionals use to communicate more effectively. Understanding this corporate jargon is essential for new employees to integrate quickly into company culture and understand operational dynamics.
According to an editorial article published by Indeed, the world’s leading job site and a global job matching and hiring platform, “understanding the business’s unique lingo can help individuals thrive in their corporate occupations.” The article details business slang that “has become so popular it can be almost like a second language to those in the business field.”
Here are some commonly used corporate terms:
Alignment - Ensuring that goals, strategies, and actions are synchronized across teams or individuals to achieve common objectives.
Bandwidth - The capacity or availability to handle additional tasks or responsibilities at a given time.
Core competency - The standout strengths and skills that set a team apart in their field.
Circle back - Revisiting or following up on a topic later to ensure everything is addressed or completed.
Deliverables - The tangible results and outputs that a team commits to producing and delivering.
Dovetail - Ensuring that different aspects or tasks fit together seamlessly and complement each other effectively.
Drill down - Delving deeper into a topic, issue, or data to uncover more detailed or specific information.
Low-hanging fruit - Opportunities or tasks that are easily achievable or accessible, often yielding quick and positive results.
Ping - A quick electronic message or notification to catch someone’s attention or prompt a response.
Run it up the flagpole - Introducing an idea or proposal to gauge reactions or gather feedback before making a decision.
Synergy - The harmonious collaboration of different elements or people that produces a result greater than the sum of their individual efforts.
Take it offline - Discussing a matter in more detail outside of the current meeting or conversation.
Using corporate language signals expertise and familiarity with industry norms, establishing credibility among peers and stakeholders. As businesses continue to evolve, mastering this lingo becomes increasingly important for professional success.