Professor accused of sexual harassment

Professor accused of sexual 
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A PROFESSOR of the Cebu Technological University (CTU) main campus in Cebu City is in hot water for allegedly sexually harassing male students and job order (JO) employees in the institution.

Some parents, faculty members and alumni sent a complaint-letter to various members of the board of regents and the university president regarding the matter.

“We wish to inform you that a vast majority of us — faculty, staff, parents, and alumni — were already cognizant of the cases involving Juan’s (real name withheld until SunStar gets his side) sexual harassments and advances toward male students and job-order workers within our school. This was not a novel revelation to our university,” they said in the letter dated Dec. 29, 2023.

They want the administration to conduct an investigation, especially after two former deans of the school allegedly found the professor sleeping beside a half-naked male student inside a classroom.

“Their firsthand observation exposed Juan’s inappropriate conduct as a public servant, causing discomfort,” they said.

The complainants said this is just the latest scandal involving someone connected to the university.

They said there have been biases when accused individuals are allies of the current administration.

“There appears to be a pattern of overlooking and concealing cases of sexual harassment or molestation in our university, resulting in offenders evading consequences,” they said.

They said the other alleged cases were just swept under the rug.

These involved former CTU officials allegedly sexually harassing female students and female JO employees on different occasions as well as sexually molesting a female student.

The complainants also alleged that some faculty members and organic non-teaching personnel in the satellite campuses of the university have ongoing sexual relationships with some students and staff members.

“The aforementioned sexual harassment cases seemingly favored the offenders due to the strategic handling by a Mr. Pedro (real name withheld until SunStar Cebu gets his side) during his tenure as the Committee on Decorum and Investigation (Codi) chair for several years ago,” they said.

The complainants hope the current Codi will conduct a thorough and fair investigation on their allegations.

SunStar Cebu tried to contact Joelle Medalle, Codi chairperson, and the professor in question, but to no avail.


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