THE Philippine Sports Commission will be hosting a Safe Sport Workshop for National Sports Associations on April 19-20, 2024. This is an initiative of Commissioner Olivia “Bong” Coo, PSC’s oversight for coaches and athletes’ welfare.
All the National Sports Associations (NSAs), including the sports under the Philippine Paralympic Committee, have been invited to send a member of their board of trustees or official, a coach, and an athlete to participate in the Safe Sport Workshop, with 40 NSAs confirming their attendance. This project will provide guidance to NSAs to start their journey in developing their safeguarding system.
Through PSC’s collaboration with the NSAs, risks to safety and potential harm and abuse will be reduced, and responding to concerns will be more effective and efficient, for the benefit of the Philippine sports communities.
“It’s about time we take the training and education to another level. After all, safeguarding is everyone’s business. PSC recognized and identified the urgent need to educate the sports community on safeguarding and hopefully jumpstart the policy making for each NSA that attends,” she said.
The workshop aims for all the participating NSAs to be aware of and appreciate the importance of the establishment of a safeguarding system within their respective organizations, and commit to developing their corresponding safeguarding system within their sport. / PR