World Sleep Day (March 15) feels like the perfect time to share a journey of resetting a ruined body clock. Like for many people, their sleep schedule could be a mess — struggling to fall asleep before 4 a.m., tossing and turning, watching the clock tick by. It could be exhausting.
Recognizing the critical role sleep plays in overall health is a game-changer. Bodies and brains need this time to rest, recover and prepare for the next day. Disrupting this cycle doesn’t just make individuals tired. It affects mood, cognition and physical health.
Here are some tips for that well-deserved snooze.
Embrace the light (and the dark): Learning that light significantly influences circadian rhythms, stepping outside and soaking up sunlight for at least 30 minutes each morning can be beneficial. At night, dimming lights and limiting screen time an hour before bed signals to the body that it’s time to wind down.
Consistency is key: Setting a strict sleep schedule, aiming for the same bedtime and wake-up time every day, weekends included, can help regulate the sleep pattern significantly.
Create a sleep sanctuary: Transforming the bedroom can play a huge role. Investing in blackout curtains, a comfortable mattress and supportive pillows ensures the room is cool, dark and quiet, making a world of difference.
Watch what (and when) you eat: Diet can affect sleep quality, so avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, opting instead for light snacks if hungry in the evening, can reduce nighttime restlessness.
Get moving: Incorporating regular exercise into the routine helps tire out the body in a good way. However, ensuring any vigorous activities are finished a few hours before bed can avoid being too energized to sleep.
Develop a pre-sleep ritual: Establishing a bedtime routine signals to the body that it’s time to wind down. For some people, this might mean reading a book, practicing meditation or taking a warm bath. Finding what relaxes one personally is key.
When in doubt, seek help: After making adjustments, sleep may improve but professional advice can be invaluable. Consulting a sleep specialist can help fine-tune the approach and address underlying issues that can’t be tackled alone.
Correcting the body clock doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that requires patience, commitment, and some days, sheer willpower. But the improvement in sleep quality, mood and energy levels has been well worth the effort. S