It is precarious that scheming, newly installed Senate President Chiz Escudero is reportedly seeking to mend ties with the House of Representatives as his first Senate leadership move/agenda.
But what needs to be mended when there is nothing to mend (and amend) except what may possibly bind the two chambers to become “one flesh,” married to each other -- in full, complete, absolute accord to the detriment and mutilation of our democratic institution?
Congress has just passed the divorce bill. Ergo, they must act quickly to implement and apply it, BUT just to themselves as bitchily “married spouses” to the Executive branch -- and not to countless couples who don’t need divorce but can be forced to “need” it and whose families could be driven (temptingly) to be broken, with their kids/children devastated (consequently) without remedy -- once it becomes a law.
Without disputation and dissenting stand, there is only autocracy, not democracy. There is no such thing as blind and subservient legislature (and media) under whatever form of government -- for humans. Solve what you call heated “unparliamentary words” from where they are coming, not from where they are not. Zubiri never used such words. Incongruous. Hypocritical.
Jesus Christ had Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him. Whereas, Juan Miguel Zubiri had “mere politicians” (pure, ignoble and pitiable) who backstabbed him and unseated him from the Senate headship by sheer numbers or double cross and soul sellout. It was a betrayal first of the motherland before it was of Zubiri. Depraved. Disgraceful.
Public “unservants.” Despicable. Go to church -- or go to the right church and worship the right God.
By losing (or kicking out) a man who is supportive but independent-minded and wiser, President Marcos Jr. has lost one good reason why his administration may be considered better than the previous administrations -- for his administration to become worse.
Zubiri can be a better president of the country -- courageous, liberated, apolitical, circumspect, democratic, and with discernment and judgment. Alas, he was victimized by sickening politics, never-ending putrefied, putrescent, lying, masking, deceitful, self-promoting, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, self-indulgent, arrogant, humbug, dogged, one-sided, narcissistic, vile, wicked, dynastic, diabolic politics.
Be different, His Excellency Ferdinand Marcos Jr. No president is perfect. But, go ahead, sir. Do everything you can to do everything you want (a’la the Pharaoh of old) and sooner or later find yourself hated and destroyed in biblical “Egypt” by the very people you wanted to “serve.” And then go down in history as a replica of history’s numerous despotic, dumb, stubborn, villainous leaders who are abhorred, condemned, disgraced, mortified, damned and execrated by present and all succeeding generations.
Look forward to the past. Or look back to the future. Learn from history, dear countrymen and dearest leaders of the land, and thus be unshackled and empowered to live (and lead) right in the present -- as free Filipinos -- for a bright, upright, prosperous, peaceful, repaired, happy tomorrow.
Meanwhile, if there is truth to the talks about the proud, elite “artista bloc” being the real or number one reason behind Senator Zubiri’s ouster, whoever owns that famed haughty “injured foot” in the Senate, that is indeed sick of them -- gangsterism and hooliganism plain and simple, in public service at that. Noxious. Toxic. These thugs should have been the ones ousted, and at once sent back to where they truly, only belong -- little, tiny, looney, whacky, saucy shells. Nuts. Dwarfs.
Get out of filmdom’s realm of fantasy and thus act and think right, and accordingly -- as honorable, wise, righteous, gallant, godly men of the second pillar of our democracy.
Leave your bully, nasty “lead roles” behind. “Agimat” works only in reel worlds. Wake up... Serve and do laws (not movies). Unmask crooks, criminals, and the abusive and avaricious among yourselves -- among all those in authority, both in public and private. Be superheroes in the real world.