Tell it to SunStar: Time to warn China, dear world

By Reni M. Valenzuela
Tell it to SunStar: Time to warn China, dear world
Tell it to SunStar.
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China is at it again.

You will ram our vessels to no end and do everything you can, within your might and deceitfulness (and heartlessness) -- to bully Filipinos forever until you get what you want, let alone peace, stability, sanity and human lives. You will always say you are just protecting your rights. No! You don’t have any rights to protect in the disputed sea except your right to behave and become normal.

You are a grabber and stealer, a thief and robber like no other, plain and simple. Enough. Put a halt to the craziness in all of these, dear world. Time to warn China, even beyond words, if need be.

China is increasingly posing before the universe like it is king -- greedy, covetous, avaricious, ruthless king. It has the penchant to warn just about any and every country in the world in order to have its way -- illegal, irrational, immoral, “historical” and diabolical.

Take for instance China’s recent warning to the US, vis-a-vis the American support to the Philippines in its battle to defend its maritime rights, sovereignties and territories. The latest (just a week ago) that received a warning from and bullying by China is Malaysia, besides the Philippines and Taiwan, of course.

China cannot warn the US and the West (or the world) with its nuclear war threats because any nuke/chem attacks on them (by enemies) could well be diverted and swung back to its point of origin as one of these powerful countries was “reportedly” most equipped with a highly advanced, superior defense mechanism -- in the air. It was a top secret (too top, perhaps), the reason why the info/news/revelation was quickly deleted on the internet.

World-boycott the “king” is one act the “king” richly deserves, and the world needs. Not a bad idea as a peaceful means to save the world (not only the Philippines) from devastation which is emblematic/illustrative of China’s expansionism, depicted in particular by what has been happening in the West Philippine Sea (just initially), with Taiwan as next in line. Prognostic.

No country will disagree that there is indeed one China, but I wonder what country will agree with the One China Policy if it means the invasion of the independent, sovereign, United Nations member, tiny, little Taiwan. Love and support Taiwan instead, I mean your very own who populate that fragile country. One China is ok, but “One World China” is not.

Time indeed for the leading strongest nations of the world militarily (together with all the rest of the peace-loving, decent nations) -- to warn China. Calling for the bonding of the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Germany, France, England, Italy, India, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, the Netherlands, etc. -- versus China.

Hey, Beijing: You would rather forget the probable 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 11 billion barrels of oil in the West Philippine Sea if it will so blind you and drive you mad like Hitler, wildly running amuck to your own damnation and self-destruction.

Remember God and your own welfare, and that of the whole world. Remember yourself, even if you have just yourself to remember and care for.

Again, may I suggest, dear China and Philippines, sit down anew and have the pie on the table this time. Cut it and so that’s it -- to bless you both greatly, with all the other claimant countries, of course. Think right. Think peace.


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