DATU Bago Awardees Organization, Inc. (Daboi) on Monday, August 12, bared that nomination for the prestigious Datu Bago Award 2020 is now open.
Daboi is the official organization authorized by the city government to do the selection of Datu Bago Awardees every year.
Amalia Cabusao, a Datu Bago awardee, invited Dabawenyos to submit their nomination to their office. This is the government's way of recognizing those who have given the city pride and honor in different fields.
"Winning the Datu Bago was just the beginning of my strengthened commitment to share my talents to the community," Cabusao said.
The organization said the search bestows honor upon an individual who has contributed to the development of the city of Davao with exemplary competence and dedication and who best serves as a model of excellence and as an inspiration to the residents of Davao.
It is open to persons of any nationality, living or deceased, born in Davao City or have been residents in Davao City for 10 years. For a living nominee, he or she must accept the nomination while for deceased persons there must be consent from their immediate family.
A person of integrity residing in Davao City or an organization operational in Davao City for the past 10 years can nominate.
The copy of a nomination form can be acquired at the Office of the President of the University of Mindanao, Bolton St., Davao City; Annipie Bakery Cafe in Ecoland, Quimpo Boulevard, Davao City; and at the Office of the President of Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Lanang, Davao City.
They must submit accomplished and signed the official nomination form, biographical data of the nominee, supporting documents in three sets, and three pieces recent identical 2x2 size photo.
Deadline for submission of nominations is at 5 p.m. on December 16.
The awarding will be held during the Araw ng Dabaw celebration in March 2020, which will be given by Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio.