Some of the most gentle persons I know are senior citizens. They have mellowed. They are more patient, more kind and more compassionate. And like all people the opposite can also be true about them, about us. In truth some of the most vicious persons I know also happen to be seniors. And you find them mostly where people fall in line.
If you remember there was a time where seniors got to watch movies for free. I happen to be witness to such an event and I must tell you that the jostling, pushing and shoving could match an American football skirmish. There was just too much violence considering these were people who were 60 and above. The energy or the stampede was a sight to behold. But that is just for starters.
You should see some seniors when they line up in a fast food restaurant. I was standing in line when this old person started going up the line and saying, “ senior ako, senior ako” much to the irritation of not so seniors. When she came up to me, she glared and said her infamous: “senior ako, senior ako.” Well for once I said I was going to teach this person. I took out my OWN senior card and said, “ ako din po, senior ako.” She literally stopped in her tracks. Bastos.
Then of course there are those who pay their bills. That is where the abuse of the privilege is felt. The purpose of the senior lane is to make it easier and faster for seniors to do their business. But some abuse it. When my wife was in a line it took some time for her to pay the bill because some senior abuser had ten accounts with her. She was actually going to pay ten accounts for ten households. The other seniors were complaining and grumbling but she was aloof and pretended not to hear. Perhaps she should have been more sensitive. And perhaps the utility company should have a policy about a senior on a rampage paying for ten households. The question has to be answered, she has ten households?
As we grow old we ought to be more calm. More serene would be the better phrase. The things that rankled us should no longer do so. We have to speak slower. We ought to be more kind, more genteel, more compassionate. With understanding brought by the passing of years. And yet some have managed to become more cruel and more beastly.
The senior age should give us pause. It is the period of reflection and acceptance for what lies ahead. Our days are numbered and we ought to be thankful. And yet there are those who are ranting and raving like mad people. Frothing in the mouth like someone possessed.
The senior age is time for peace and reflection. It is a preparation. It is gratitude and kindness.
Let us not waste time screaming and shouting and saying, “senior ako, senior ako.”
Everyone knows we are. Let us act our age.