Many people believe that law school is an easy path, merely a matter of earning units. In reality, law school is incredibly challenging. As someone experiencing the "Law School Blues," I know firsthand the emotional toll it takes. Reading certain provisions of laws often brings me to tears. Frankly, the balance required in law school is overwhelming and often leaves me feeling defeated.
Our Civil Code reminds us that "Ignorance of the law excuses no one." This codal provision underscores the necessity of understanding the law, which can feel daunting. Law school is certainly not for everyone. It's as complicated as marriage, demanding compromise and commitment. It isn't as easy as some might think.
Law school is for those with a heartfelt desire to become lawyers, not for those merely seeking to amass wealth. Law demands not just memorization but a deep understanding and a place in one's heart.
Law is intimidating. During "recits" (recitations), you must provide robust answers that are difficult to refute. Failing to do so often results in harsh criticism from professors. Law can feel like a torture chamber, but it also strengthens your understanding through rigorous challenge.
From Obligations and Contracts to Evidence, law school drags you down before lifting you up with a heightened vocabulary and a deeper comprehension of legal concepts. The shift from common terms like "debts" to more complex ones like "insolvency" is just one example.
Despite the hardships, leaving law school feels impossible. Like the concept of legal separation, you may distance yourself temporarily but never fully sever the bond. Quitting now feels like a form of surrender, but perseverance promises a better future or a career of meaningful advocacy.
So, is law school for everyone? No, it’s not. Law school is for those who wish to change the world by applying the principles of justice and truth. It's not for the weak-spirited but for those committed to standing up for what is right. If you possess these qualities, law school is for you.
Embrace the challenge and learn the law.
— George Evan B. Cuadrillero