THE Davao City Police Office (DCPO) on Tuesday, February 20, announced the filing of an alarm and scandal complaint against a businessman who was caught drifting recklessly in a rented vehicle.
The identified suspect is Siradj Untong Pinguianman, 28, residing on Pansacala Street, Rosary Heights, Cotabato City.
The Maa and Bunawan Police Stations jointly apprehended Pinguianman in Barangay Mahayag, Bunawan District, around 9:40 p.m. on Friday, February 16, following a hot-pursuit operation.
The vehicle's owner sought police assistance upon discovering the online attention garnered by the driver of her Mitsubishi Mirage G4 GLX with plate number GAW 8727, particularly on Facebook.
In a Facebook post, Pinguianman publicly apologized for the incident, acknowledging his mistake and pledging not to repeat it.
“In connection with that incident, I sincerely apologize and promise not to commit the same incident. The truth is, I'm not a reckless driver, but it's my big mistake drifting on a busy road. But I got my lesson and will not commit the same mistake again,” he said.
Facing charges under Article 155 of the Republic Act (R.A) 11926, which penalizes the willful and indiscriminate discharge of firearms, the suspect is accused of creating a commotion or alarm among the public. The penalty for the alarm and scandal offense, according to the law, is a fine not exceeding P40,000 and imprisonment of up to six years. DEF