RESIDENTS of Barangay Arguelles, Jaro District, Iloilo City, and nearby areas experienced an unexpected power outage due to a squirrel causing a short circuit on the primary line, leading to More Power's fuse cut-out being opened on March 28, 2024.
Barangay Captain Tommy Ledesma of Barangay Arguelles was at home when he heard a loud pop and the power went out. Concerned, he went outside to investigate and found a squirrel with burn marks near the power source.
He then covered it with an electric fan cover and handed it over to More Power's Response Team, who promptly responded to the trouble call.
The squirrel had traces of burns on its body and emitted a burnt odor.
More Power placed it in a cage and provided food and water.
This afternoon, More Power handed over the squirrel to the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) after coordinating with PENRO Head Salvador Manglinong, Jr.
According to Manglinong, PENRO has no record of the presence of squirrels in Iloilo City or nearby areas.
"Maybe somebody owns it as a pet. So far we don't have records of the presence of squirrels in the city or nearby areas", Manglinong said when reached by More Power.
Owner may visit PENRO if they own the said squirrel, Manglinong added.
"We will verify ownership through our records and ensure the owner possesses the necessary permit for keeping a squirrel as a pet," Manglinong said.