THE Jones Cup in Taiwan is held in memory of a former Fiba chief whose controversial decision to reset the three seconds clock twice in the 1972 Olympic final match between the United States and Russia made him infamous.
The Americans refused to accept the silver medals putting a dent in the quadrennial solidarity games in Munich where Israeli athletes were gunned down by terrorists.
Here in Bacolod, Msgr. John Liu and Msgr. John Su are remembered by St. John's Institute alumni with a Memorial Basketball Cup, going strong in its sixth season and ongoing at the Msgr. John Liu Activities Center.
Participating are eight alumni batches consisting of Batch 92 and Legends, 1993 to 1995, 1996 to 1999, 2000 to 2003, 2005 to 2007, 2008 to 2009, 2010 to 2012, and 2013 to 2014.
Two guest teams complete the 10-team cast with the Parents, composed of non-alumni fathers whose kids are studying at SJI, and the Junior Varsity.
The Blue Falcons' presence will force "older" teams to run and they will use the "scrimmages" as toughening exercise for the Nopsscea season which opens September 12.
Games are played every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with the defending champs Batch 2005-2007 ready to take on all newcomers.
Just like other contests, every game will be hotly contested as prestige is at stake.
Hopefully, the SJI hardcourt battles, with the two Johns watching will no longer experience its past final games.