Lamudi: Properties on website are legit
LAMUDI Inc. assured the public that the listed real estate properties in their website are legitimate and are carefully screened before uploaded for the searchers.
According to Lamudi Philippines Managing Director Bhavna Suresh, they require brokers who are interested to post real estate listing in their site to disclose their license number.
The site also has at least 20 members for their quality control team which makes sure of the quality of the listings posted. Aside from the members of their team, they also value the ratings and feedback provided by their searchers.
“Before we accept the listing on our platform, we do a control check. The next thing is we also have a flagging button on each property. If a user finds this property a bogus property, then a user can flag it. The minute they flag it, we pull it out,” Suresh said.
She added they are constantly checking on the listing on their platform removing those that are 100 days and older without any updates.
“It’s very important for us to filter it. What we know and what we’re completely sure about is a property seeker waits about 6 to 8 months to do his search. If they see bad things, they will never come back. For us, it is very very important,” Suresh added.
Lamudi will also educate their brokers and real estate agents in ways to post only the best properties on the site.
“Only the very good quality listings come right on top of the page. For us, the platform is being built in a way that if you’re a property seeker, you should be finding your best property,” said Suresh.
Lamudi is an online real estate marketplace which offers sellers, buyers, landlords, renters, and buyers a platform to find or list properties online for a wider network. It was first established in 2013 in Berlin, Gemany and is currenly available in 13 other countries such as Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
Suresh said they get an average of 20,000 listing updated every 15 days with about totaling to about 70,000 to 80,000 active listing every month.