P1.6M okayed for StoBoSa View Deck

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A P1.6 million fund has been allotted for the development of a view deck at sitio’s Stonehill, Botiwtiw, and Sadjap (StoBosa).

La Trinidad Tourism Officer Valred Olsim said, the view deck will be constructed on the opposite side of the mural paintings and will serve as a temporary parking for tourists.

“It will serve as a short term space for picture taking so it wouldn’t cause much traffic congestion on the area,” he said.

Olsim added once the view deck is completed, they are also hoping the community have organized their cooperative to be able to manage the area.

“Once the cooperative is organized, they will be a contributor for its maintenance and development. They can also put up business there for souvenir items and a place to entertain guests,” Olsim added.

Olsim also revealed the municipality is putting their effort to level up trainings for the certified local tourist guides before the launching of formal tour packages of the more than 15 tourist spots in the Valley.

Mayor Romeo Salda affirmed the view deck will serve as parking area and including other possible improvements needed to make the area a viable tourist spot.

The mayor also confirmed the plan is already being prepared by the Municipal Engineering Office.

The Valley is also hoping the provincial government of Benguet will also respond to the request to fund the comfort room in the area and give funding for the cooperative.

Meanwhile, Olsim said the town has yet to impose the collection of environmental fee in the area as focus is on the monitoring and development of the area.

With StoBoSa gaining popularity, La Trinidad Council has already penned ordinances for the development of the area including institutionalizing the promotion and development of the hillside homes.

Recently, the Department of Tourism – Cordillera regional director Marie Venus Tan said the communities of StoBoSa will continue to receive technical assistance from the department as well as stakeholders to sustain the attention the area has gotten since its mountainside murals were created.

The project was conceptualized by the DOT inspired by Brazil favelas during the term of Mayor Edna Tabanda.


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