AT LEAST two of the alleged illegal settlers within the Pugius Communal Forest have received the subpoena issued by La Trinidad for violating Presidential Decree 705 or the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
La Trinidad Mayor Rome Salda said, the subpoena was delivered by personnel of the La Trinidad Municipal Police Station December 27.
“This is in violation of PD 705 and they have identified five people concerned, one of which is Pedro Isikan,” the mayor said.
The summons, according to Salda, orders the illegal settlers to present their case before town officials justifying their claim in the communal forest.
Salda said the illegal settlers will be given at least three notices.
“They will be called for a hearing but if they will not appear, I will task the anti squatting task force to demolish the structures built in the area,” Salda said.
According to La Trinidad chief of police Senior Inspector Benson Macli-ing, Norman Hogan, who is also a respondent have also received and signed the subpoena from the municipality.