FOOD and book lovers, cultural advocates gathered last April 20 at the new Mt. Cloud Bookshop venue at Yangco St. for the book launching and food tasting of the “Heirloom Recipes of the Cordillera”.
Project team members presented and demonstrated various simple, innovative, delicious and healthy highland culinary delights and on how they were/are prepared by the past generations and locals.
Cooking food “without the use of pots” resulted to rich flavors and the methods described were very creative and informative. Among the featured foods/delicacy/beverage were pinuneg (blood sausage), chinusnag (pounded gabi root with sugarcane juice), tupig (steamed cassava and coconut cakes) and tapey (rice wine).
The team members are Marciana Balusdan, Jill Cariño, Judy Fangloy, Anna Karla Himmiwat, Maria Elena Regpala, Sixto Talastas and Ana Kinja Tauli.
The book is available for sale at the Mt. Cloud Bookshop.