Again, the ominous prophecy on assassination of leader

 Again, the ominous prophecy on assassination of  leader
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Merry Christmas! Let’s pray that such a greeting would still be appropriate for Christmas in 2024.

Without intent to spoil all that’s merry in these holidays, I must continue spreading dire prophetic messages from Heaven via credible Catholic mystics, for the missives convey urgency and continue to descend on mankind regardless of the spirit of merriment.

The prophetic air is getting denser; some world leaders are explicit in their threat of nuclear war while unusual disasters in nature sweep big cities one after the other worldwide. And there's the threat of another pandemic, as old dormant diseases are in a back swerve.

That dire prophecies do scare and spoil the holiday fun is a given. But the purpose, as has frequently been declared from Heaven, is for conversion… and preparation amid the declaration that chastisements could still be eased, though not anymore abrogated.

Prepare, Heaven beckons all. Conversion and prayers can still mitigate dire days ahead. Catholics, to whom special graces could be within reach, are called to go to Confession and keep themselves in a state of grace.

These, as another message was given by Our Blessed Mother to third degree Augutinian sti gmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla last Dec. 22. The message follows.

“Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:These are times when difficulties are increasing and My Children are learning to be stronger.

“Beloved children: I come before you with My Divine Son to be born…I bring Him to each one of you so that, within every human being, there might be reborn the burning desire to be closer to My Son than to worldly things.

“i bring My Child to every human being so that you would receive Him and so that He would soften your hearts.

“This Dec. 24 is special. I have asked God the Father that evry home might be a manger where My Divine Son would be born in the hearts of all, giving you good as a shield against evil, giving you harmony and understanding, wisdom and faith as protection against evil.

“Soften your hearts and look into the Eyes of this Child, so that He might flood you with His Peace and His Love.

“In Heaven, St. Michael the Archangel, His Legions and the Heavenly Choirs sing: Glory to God in Heaven and peace on earth to those who love the Lord.

“Make a resolution to silence the voice of your thoughts, which sometimes leads you away from My Divine Son, and in inner silence, discern what you know, what I have revealed to you at all times, so that you would have a foundation for a faith that must grow constantly.

“Beloved children, you live at a time when evil has resolved to destroy families and to implant within the human race the desire to carry out the insinuations of the Devil, in order to bring forward the coming of the Antichrist, causing humanity to fight - people against people, nation against nation.

“This is a time, children of My Divine Son, a time when a single spark can erupt and war spread throughout the Earth. Be aware that war brings with it desolation, loss of human life and the most fateful scenario that humanity can imagine.

“I call you to be on the side of love, of peace, to be among those who pray the Holy Rosary with their hearts, to participate in constant reparation, to accompany My Divine Son in the Tabernacle, to participate in the Eucharistic Celebration and receive My Divine Son properly prepared.

“I call you to partake of goodness, charity, kindness and humility, a characteristic of the children of My Divine Son.

“Beloved children, it is not going through all the revelations that makes you more knowledgeable regarding what is to come, but examining, studying, understanding every word of a revelation. Yes - this gives you knowledge, yes - this gives you discernment and leads you to understand that which, through revelation by Divine Will, is said to you in advance.

“Humanity will shudder at the news of the death of someone who is internationally-known, causing worldwide consternation.

See the force of nature advancing mercilessly upon humanity.

“Bear in mind, My children, that what is happening at this time is part of the Plan of the Evil One; work and act without falling into the snares of evil. Resist temptation, live attached to The Commandments, fulfil the Sacraments and Works of Mercy.

“Beloved children, dedicate every .moment to working and acting in order to glorify My Divine Child. Let all people rejoice, a Child has come to you, Who Saviour.” (End of quote.)

I am also sharing the comment of Luz de Maria on the above message, as follows.

“Brothers and sisters,We have been given Our Saviour! We celebrate the Birth of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

“In the midst of so much suffering for humanity, Our Blessed Mother has asked me to place the following in front of the Nativity scene, or Bethlehem, as it is called in different countries: ‘The of humility, the insense of the firm purpose of amendment and the myrrh of Faith as a spiritual preparation before the Child Jesus.’

“May the Child Jesus give us the blessing of preparing ourselves spiritually, with a determination to share the love of the Child Jesus in fraternity with our brothers and sisters.

“Brothers and sisters, being aware of the plans of the enemy of the soul, let us have the faith necessary to deepen our knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in order to know God’s Will, to fulfil it and to live it as God desires.

“We are soldiers of the Holy Family, soldiers who do not destroy one another, but soldiers who lift one another up in order to continue the journey and follow in the footsteps of Christ, knowing what the Divine Will allows.

“Remaining firm in faith, being people who are faithful to Our Mother’s Fiat, surrendering ourselves to the protection of St. Joseph and being followers and lovers of Our Savior, will make us soldiers of Faith, Hope and Charity.

“Let us give our heart to the Child Jesus so that it would remain a heart of flesh...Let us make Our Mother the promise to be faithful to Her Divine Son.... Let us give to St. Joseph our thoughts, so that he might quieten them and so that we would maintain peace at all times.

“Let us thank Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, the Putative Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for being the protectors of the Divine Child, and let us pray that we would be faithful forever. Amen.”


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