CITY OF SAN FERNANDO --- Some 90 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries or ARBs were installed by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in a 62-hectare land at Barangay Tinang in Concepcion town, Tarlac province.
The ARBs were installed in the land owned by Dominican priests formerly known as the Dominican Province of the Philippine Island.
Four supervisors were also installed in their respective lots.
The DAR said the agency is in the process of registering the property with the Registry of Deeds to obtain a Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Award which will then be parcelized and awarded to the ARBs.
The agency added that the assistance does not end in the installation but continues to the provision of training, machinery, and other support services to sustain the ARBs' livelihood.
DAR support services to ARBs include provision of Agri-technology, Business Development Services, Common Service Facilities, and Credit and Micro-finance as well as Agri-insurance for crops and livestock, Rural Infrastructure, and Land Tenure Improvement and Stability.
“Together with your installation in the property are your duties and responsibilities to cultivate and enrich the land to become your steady source of income,” the DAR said.