Blessed Mother: “Listen to the warnings that I have brought to you”

 Blessed Mother: “Listen to the warnings that I have brought to you”
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The internet is filling up with ominous outlook over the solar eclipse this April 8. For various reasons,it will be astronomically not-so-ordinary, say astronomists, even as YouTubers warn of biblical Armageddon.

Indeed, it is most unusual that, as projected by astronomers,the shadow of the eclipse would cover seven areas named Nineveh in the United States, including those in Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New York. This is interesting on account of the Biblical episode on a place called Nineven where people were warned of Divine chastisement unless they repented of their sins, which they did.

But we must be wary. To expect the worst on April 8 could be trickery, especially in these times when the devil is especially active even in the physical sphere (such as in the case of UFO’s), so as to disappoint those who would take Armageddon seriously on that date and yet survive unscathed and, in effect, immune to even authentic warnings from Heaven.

We can’t stop doing what we have to do in our daily lives, unlike those cult members who sold all they had and gathered in one place in wait for a dated end of the world which never materialized. No, we must do the usual good things that have to be done daily, but with this recommendation: do them better, with love for others and God, so that our acts are converted into prayers that can prepare us for whatever is to come.

What’s to come?

Among other prognostications, credible Catholic mystics are saying that one is clear: we are soon to experience the prophesied Warning, so detailed in the Blessed Mother’s message to the visionaries of Garabandal, Spain in the 1960’s. (Please keep in mind that St. Padre Pio and St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta- who were both then still on earth- believed in the Garabandal Marian apparitions.)

One of Garabandal’s visionaries, Conchita Gonzalez, had said this about the Warning: “The most important thing about that day is that everyone in the whole world will see a sign, a grace, or a punishment within themselves — in other words a Warning. They will find themselves all alone in the world no matter where they are at the time, alone with their conscience right before God. They will then see all their sins and what their sins have caused.”

The visionaries also said that all, including pagans in remote areas, will experience the Warning and that all, including airplanes in the sky, would stop during the supernatural event.

Yes, prayers are needed to prepare ourselves for the immediate future. This much was stressed by the Blessed Mother in her message to mystic Eduardo Ferreira on March 13, 2024, as follows:

“My children, peace. I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. I am here to help you. My children, pray. Do not let your faith grow cold. Be careful: do not abandon the life of prayer. Pray and trust in my intercession. Face everyday difficulties with prayer. Pray for priestly and religious vocations. Thank you for responding to my request for thirteen days of prayer for priests. With love I bless you.”

The Blessed Mother also said: “Peace. Dear children, wake up and pray. Here I have been insistent that without prayer I cannot help you. Wake up to what I am saying to you. Children, do not let the enemy have power in your lives. Always pray. This is a time for prayer and purification. Repent. With love I bless you.”

Meanwhile, the Blessed Mother’s messages to third-degree Augustinian stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla has continued. On March 27, 2024, Our Mother said:

“Dearly beloved children of My Heart, receive My Love.

“Dear children, I invite you to live every moment in spirit and in truth, being one with My Divine Son.

“Human creatures have rid themselves of everything that limits their misused and sinful free will. Children, without undertaking the task of looking beyond what your eyes can see, you continue to scorn My Divine Son and surrender to the enemy of the soul, who is leading you to surrender to the Antichrist.

“Know and recognize My Divine Son in order not to be deceived by the Antichrist.

“You are going to experience darkness, My children - the darkness of the soul when you will see your sins even if they do not want to see them, and the power of the Holy Spirit will make you see yourselves as you are, without masks, even if you do not want to. Darkness will come upon the Earth and make human beings feel alone on Earth.

“This generation of great advances for good is one of great advances that have been poorly employed, misused in order to make human creatures sick, to exterminate humanity. This generation has been blessed with great advances for good!

“My Son will come to the aid of His children when this generation uses intelligence to try to exterminate all of humanity. My Son will come to the aid of His children and will demonstrate once again that He is the King of the Universe and the Master of All Created things.

“Children, great rebellions are arising in the nations; My children, avoid large crowds and places where there are large crowds, because terror is taking hold of the nations, My children, and I do not want you to suffer.

“Pray and make reparation, be faithful to My Divine Son.

“Pray for the Church: you will be surprised by a piece of news coming from the Church.

“My children, this Mother who is speaking to you with love wants you to listen to the warnings that I have brought to you. At a time when ingratitude and lack of love are becoming present in humanity to a greater extent, I want people of faith to be those who pray and make reparation for those who do not pray or make reparation.

“Not all is pain, little children; after the purification, there will come light and true life where faith will be the banner of humanity and where you will taste Heaven in advance and will live in peace, and evil will not come to tempt you.

“I bless you with My Maternal Heart, which is full of Love for each one of you.

“Lift up your sacramentals, My children: I wish to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. But I ask you for respect and faith in using sacramentals, as you must not forget that it is necessary for you to be in a state of grace.

“I love you, My children, I love you.”

Luz de Maria commented on the above message as follows:

“Brothers and sisters: Our Blessed Mother calls us to obedience and alerts us so that, without allowing ourselves to be deceived, we would remain prepared with what is necessary in order to maintain a stable spiritual life.

“Brothers and sisters, we continue to experience an escalation of conflicts within and between countries; these are clear indications of what we as humanity are experiencing and will experience. Although we do have to go through purification on the level of humanity, we are told that not everything is suffering, but that the time will come when we will be able to live in happiness – not in the worldly sense, but full happiness in the Holy Spirit.

“While waiting for that day and requesting the assistance of Our Blessed Mother, we continue with faith. Let us remain on spiritual alert so as not to lie on the ground without getting up, and let us strengthen fraternity. Amen.”


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