MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) said 16 fireworks-related injuries were logged on Christmas Day, December 25, six days before the New Year's Eve revelry.
The new injuries, mostly from the National Capital Region, bring the total number to 28 cases, with those injured ranging from 6 to 35 years of age.
The agency said that 10 of the 28 were classified as passive involvement where an onlooker at a designated area sustained an eye injury.
The cases also included one female.
“About 94 percent took place at home or in the street. Many, 31 percent, happened in the National Capital Region. Seven or 44 percent of the firecrackers involved were legal,” the DOH added.
The health department has reiterated its advice to the public to use other safe noise makers like horns and drums, and avoid fireworks and pyrotechnics.
“Fireworks use both at or near the home and even at designated areas can still harm even those not lighting them. It is better for professionals at community fireworks displays to do the show, with watchers far away at a safe distance. Or best, use other forms of making noise such as horns or drums,” the DOH said.
Republic Act 7183 and Executive Order 28 series of 2017 regulate and control the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices.