If it ain’t broke, don't fix it

If it ain’t broke, don't fix it
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SOME grandstanding and publicity-hungry individuals are tinkering with the idea of changing our fundamental law-the Philippine Constitution of 1987.

Perhaps for lack of useful and productive things to do, our lawmakers are abetting the gesture of a signature campaign with signatories being bribed for the effort.

As is typical of the Filipino culture, a signature campaign to convince people to vote for the drive to change the Constiution has been started and. Reportedly, the signatories are being paid. As usual, the scammers and other unscrupulous individuals are eyeing to make money out of this effort. Hah!

Previously, a signature campaign to amend the Constitution via a people’s initiative was thumbed down by the Supreme Court.

Again, the revived drive to change the Constitution aims to introduce economic changes but skeptical people say that its real purpose is to introduce brooad poliitical changes such as lifting the term limits of elected officials and even double the number of law000makers. Sus!

The House of Representatives and the Senate are already filled with nincompoops so why entertain the idea of harebrained Senator Padilla to increase the number which our budget cannot accommodate.

These silly provisions have no place in the drive to smend the Constitution. Definitely, there are more pressing issues which need to be addressed if ever the drive to amend pushes through.

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Anyway, any move to amend the Constitution can be challenged in the Supreme Court which is expected to quash it.

If, by some miracle the move to amend proves to be successful, there is still this power of the people to approve or deny it in a plebiscite.

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There are many things yet needing action by our officiqals like improving our way of life from gnawing poverty, solving the unemployment problem, battling inflation and climate change.

Would changing some provisions or rewriting the whole Constitution solve all these problems?


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