DOH warns public vs WILD diseases

(From: Kent Spencer of Pexels)
(From: Kent Spencer of Pexels)
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THE Department of Health (DOH) Central Luzon cautioned the public against the spread of water and foodborne illnesses, influenza-like illness, leptospirosis, and dengue (WILD) diseases as the rainy season starts.

DOH said contaminated food and stagnant water are the main causes of WILD diseases.

Among the symptoms of the said illnesses are fever, colds, headache, chills, body aches, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The health agency reminded the public to practice healthy habits, maintain good hygiene, and sustain a clean environment to prevent such public health concerns.

Staying indoors and refraining from buying foods from untrusted sellers are also advised.

Communities are also encouraged to practice 4S strategy against dengue which include Search and Destroy; Self-Protection Measures; Seek Early Consultation; and Support Fogging or Spraying.


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