More messages from Jesus to priests; calls to prepare mount

More messages from Jesus to priests; calls to prepare mount
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For millenials to mark the Covid 19 pandemic as the worst worldwide tribulation in their lifetime would be premature, credible Catholic mystics say. The last plague was a mere rehearsal.

Messages from Heaven, coursed through the mystics, continue to urge us to prepare for something bigger. Consider the following recent messages:

From the Blessed Mother: “Dear children, bend your knees in prayer. You are living in a time worse than the time of the Flood, and the moment has come for your return. The Church of my Jesus is walking towards Calvary, but after all the pain comes the resurrection.”

From Our Lord Jesus: “You are leaving through the moments prior to the great global devastation.”

From St. Micheal the Archangel: “Darkness is coming, and you will have no means of communication... Grow in faith, be charitable, and do not refuse to help your brother in such difficult times.”

These, among other dire quotes of the same tone as relayed to us by the mystics.

But first, allow me to continue with Our Lord’s messages intended for priests, as coursed through Archbishop Ottavio Michelini (14 August 1906-15 October 1979) who put on record the messages he received from Jesus in a book.

When the archbishop asked Jesus to “make ,me understand what you desire of us priests,” Jesus replied thus:

“I have already told you: I desire you to be conscious of your vocation; I have chosen you with special love and predilection; I want my priests conscious of their participation in My sacrifice, not symbolic but real. This demands union and fusion of their suffering with mine; not external formalism, but stupendous and tremendous reality: the Holy Mass.

“The priest should unite himself to Me in offering of myself to the Father. What kind of Mass is that of the priest who lacks this consciousness and conviction?

“Reflect, My son, on the dignity, grandeur and power I have given to My priests: the power of changing bread and wine into Myself, into My body, into my blood and into My entire being. In their hands, each day the miracle of the Incarnation is repeated....

“Son, I have entrusted to My priests the task of announcing My word, but in what manner do they act in this important task of the priestly ministry? In general, the sterility that usually accompanies preaching.

“I have entrusted to My priests the task of fighting against dark forces of evil, but who is careful in doing it? Who casts out devils? To do this it is necessary to tend to sanctity; in like manner, to heal the sich, prayers and mortifications are necessary.

“My son, I desire My priests to be holy, because they should sanctify; they should not trust in their ministry, in human means, as many of them do; they should not trust in creatures but in My merciful Heart and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“Priests are My true ministers but, with the exception of a few, they are not aware of this quality; they are my accredited ambassadors or men, for families and for nations.

“Priests are really participants in My eternal priesthood; the priest is a protagonist in the Mystical Body, of great deeds and supernatural happenings.

“Priests should be hosts, to be given and immolated for the salvation of their brethren. It is a most grave sin to think of saving souls by human resources of intelligence and of activity. Every external activity of the priest that lacks faith, love, suffering, and prayer, is null, is vain.

“The priesthood is a service. He who serves should be different from the one served; he does not identify with the persons served. The priest must be different from the soul confided to him, just as the shepherd is different from his flock.

“If priests saw the grandeur of their dignity, the sublime supernatural power with which they are clothed, as St. Francis saw these things, they would have for themselves and for their brother priests great and devoted respect.

“Son, unfortunately some of them seek themselves, forgetting Me; may others go with the world, even when knowing that the world is not of God but of Satan.

“Some of them betray Me; others demolish My kingdom in souls, sowing errors and heresies; others are arid because they lack the vital sap of the soul: love, whose true character is suffering,

“Therefore, you should pray and offer yourself, with intense correspondence to My invitations, to reparation, to penitence, to prayer, so that all My priests may be converted, yes, to they may be converted and each one may take his place in the Mystical Body, ad majorem Dei gloriam, ad for the salvation of souls.” (End of quote)

Now, to proceed with more warnings and appeals from Heaven. On July 1, 2023, Our Blessed Mother told mystic Pedro Regis:

“Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alight. Do not allow the spiritual darkness to cause blindness in your lives. You are of the Lord and only Him you must follow and serve.

“Repent and seek the Mercy of My Jesus through the Sacrament of Confession. Your nation will drink the bitter chalice of pain because men have turned away from the Creator.

“ By the fault of the bad shepherds, doors will open and the enemies will act against the faithful. Pray. Only through prayer can you bear the weight of the trials that will come.

“This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.”

Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on July 3, 2023:

Dear children, thank you for having listened to my call in your hearts. Beloved children, do not be afraid of the times that will come and that have been revealed to you. Children, always ask for and pray to the Holy Spirit, that He would guide you in discernment. Children, I am here to teach you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus; I have pleaded with you for many years for conversion; I have continually asked you to adore God in the Blessed Sacrament, yet you are too caught up in the things of the world.

Now I bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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