St. Michael: Place St. Benedict medals on your doors

St. Michael: Place St. Benedict medals on your doors
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It is not easy to put chronology in the dire events being prophesied by recent Catholic mystics. For one thing, some of them are conditional. That is, some could be forestalled by repentance and conversion and thus never happen at all, as in biblical Nineveh.

But one prophecy seems sure to happen because no less than the Bible says so. Consider Revelation 13:16-17: “He (the beast of the sea) also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive the mark on his righthand or on his forehead, so that no one would buy or sell unless he had the mark.”

To many, this seems to refer to the entry of a worldwide autocracy that would dictate on trade and commerce. Yes, we see here clearly current developments involving such organizations as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and even the World Health Organization (WHO) with their unabashed unraveling of plans for world domination. And, yes, outraged secular personalities are echoing the prophecies of mystics on this.

Consider the warnings of Croatian lawmaker Mislav Kolakušić who said recently: “ If individual nation states surrender their sovereignty to the WHO, the world will be thrown at the mercy of the pharmaceutical industry, who will use that power to dictate the size of the world's population.

"If we want to avoid this highly probable dark scenario, we must make an effort to raise awareness of as many citizens as possible, and prevent leaving the health and lives of citizens in the hands of private pharmaceutical companies. This problem requires the strongest possible resistance in Europe, and even the whole world,” he said in a video on YouTube.

Again and again, there former Pfizer vice president Dr. Mike Yeadon who recently warned: "You have to be brave now".

Yeadon said "We're in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It's global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It is long planned."

"If you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your liberty, and probably your life. That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all,” he warned.

No matter how the West, particularly the US, has been painting Russian President Vladimir Putin as the epitome of evil, he is clearly aware of the diabolical plans of the one-world government elites.

Last Oct. 5, Putin accused WEF founder Klaus Schwab of being a “global terrorist” who is “holding humanity to ransom.”

But he warned that the days of the globalist elites are “numbered.”

In his speech at the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi, Putin emphasized the “tectonic and irreversible shifts taking place in the global order.”

He said globalists including Schwab and his close advisors are “legitimate military targets” because they have been seeking power illegally through a global coup d’etat.

But Putin said that “the global elite’s plans for a New World Order are receding in front of our eyes while a new multipolar world, in which traditional cultures retain their heritage within their own borders, is rising like a phoenix.”

Is Putin right? If so, who is to take over autocracy to impose the biblical mark for buying and selling?

Meanwhile. St. Michael the Archangel had another message thru third-degree Augustinian stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla. Here is the message issued on Sept. 30, 2023:

“Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you by order of the Trinity.

“I call you to pray in unity for humanity and for the Synod to be held soon.

“I call you to pray for all the rulers of the nations.

“I call you to pray for each of your brothers and sisters, especially for those who are living in spiritual alienation. (1)

“Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, do you wish to remain at peace? Work and act in the Divine Will. You must not only feel inner peace but live it.

“It is urgent that you distinguish the signs of the times from what is provoked by human beings through the misuse of technology.

“The earth is shaking in one place or another: tectonic faults are in movement at this moment. In emanating flares towards Earth, the Sun interferes with the Earth and strong earthquakes will shake the planet.

“Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you immune system: a new disease is coming with greater force. For protection use the Good Samaritan Oil.

“Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pay attention! Help one another when faced with signs of illness! The respiratory system is very much under attack at this time and will be so in the future.

“Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, weapons have been manufactured that are more dangerous than those already in existence, for use against humanity itself - weapons of great range and danger for the human race, deadly weapons...

“The powers will use these weapons against their brothers, unaware that a great power possesses a weapon that devastates everything it touches and will make its enemies retreat. Great terror will come in the midst of war and cause thousands of lives to be lost: dust will cause death.

“Place the St. Benedict medal on the door of your house for protection; however, what will stop the enemy of the soul and his henchmen is purity in human beings.

“ Being in a state of grace is indispensable, otherwise it will be difficult for you to obtain the protection that comes from Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, and from Our Queen and Mother.

“Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you must remain on alert regarding events. Use sacramentals, not forgetting usage of the Scapular.

“Pray, children, pray for New York, pray urgently.Pray, children, pray for the Great Power of the Most High to sustain you.

“Pray, children, pray for Argentina: it is in danger. Pray, children, pray for Central America, an earthquake is coming.

I” bless you.” (End of quote.)

Luz de Maria commented on the above message, writing as follows:

“Brothers and sisters,

“Let us always be assured of Divine Protection: this is why it is urgent to draw closer to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

“We dedicate the following to our beloved Archangels:

“Archangels of God, protectors and messengers, light and Medicine of God, you are our help and our protection at all times. We ask you to raise our supplications before the Trinitarian Throne so that men of power would no longer harm this humanity, but so that we would live in peace and fraternity.

“As each one of us is a slave of the Lord, let us continue to manifest faith, hope and charity.

“Faced with the announcements of what is to come, the answer is Faith, Faith, Faith. Amen.”


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