The toughest month is here

SunStar Pangan
SunStar Pangan
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IF WE were to observe and follow old Chinese tradition, August is supposed to be the toughest month of the year, especially business-wise.

For the old superstitious Chinese, August is not the right time to invest, open up a new business or to lend money to others.

This month is supposed to be clothed with bad luck and any openings would be met with harsh consequences.

Some of us may believe this Chinese belief while others do not. It is generally believed that it is up to the individual whether he succeeds or not in his undertaking. Walang malas, walang swerte, ika nga. Nasa tao ang gawa.

No wonder August is called ghost month by some believers and rightfully so. Every investment is deemed lost and start0up businesses end up closed.

But the Chinese despite being superstitious have lucky charms to balance bad luck.

Of it’s any consolation, world ranking bodies have classified the Philippines as the fastest growing economy in the region.

Well, the world ranking may not have real significance to the way of living of ordinary citizens. It has no bearing to the reality of rising prices of basic commodities which prices increase daily.

So, what’s in store for the daily wage earners? Nothing, I dare say, nada,

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Local government executives are mandated by law to report annually to their constituents about the state of affairs of the LGU. It is a virtual report of accomplishments.

For Mabalacat City, the senior sector is well taken care of by the Garbo administration as they are given their due share of benefits.

The other sector like women are attended to by the POP-GAD

Office headed by Charlo Costales.

The Social Assistance unit headed by Sy Balagtas caters to dozens of needy individuals with various needs.The Garbo administration always addresses said needs.


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