St. Michael confirms apocalyptic times

St. Michael confirms apocalyptic times
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The recent messages from Heaven via Catholic mystics are mincing no words. We are in apocalytic times.

No doubt, the most ominous messages are being coursed mostly through third-degree Augustinian stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla.

It is not without good reason that she has remained in good esteem by noted Catholics, including laymen such as Prof. Daniel O’Connor, author Christine Watkins, evangelist Mark Mallette, etc.

Yes, she is believable.

But because her mystic experiences have yet to be approved by the prudent Church, the official support of those in the clergy is not yet to be expected, although some priests, also nuns, have been assisting her.

For me, such premises are enough to give Luz de Maria importance as a messenger of our undoubtedly apocalyptic times. The messages are for all on earth and must be spread... immediately.

The immediacy of the messages is evident in the tone of the messages given Luz by St. Michael the Archangel on Feb. 9, 2024.

Here’s the messsage:

“Beloved of the Most Holy Trinity, I am sent to bless you and to bring peace to those who lack peace, to bring love to those who want to have love, and this I will do.

“Faith is essential on the part of humanity in order to be strengthened during these end times in which, as part of the human race, you will live through the period of the apocalypse at the hands of those who want to repalce our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

“The time has come when, as the Mystical Body of Christ, you will suffer and be purified so that afterwards, like the most precious stones, you might shine in the name of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.

“Children of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother of the End Times: you are already at the beginning of times of famine, which is why I have called you to sow.

“Pray children, pray, North Korea will suddenly spread pain to humanity.

“As part of a faltering humanity, you will be tested in every aspect, you will be sifted.

“Those who need to be purified should purify themselves of their own free will. So many of you read or hear this call of mine without taking note of it, feeling that this call is not for you, acting like the Pharisees! How many, due to their pride, think that they know everything, yet in the end they will be tested regarding love, not knowledge!

“Beloved of the Most Holy Trinity, the sun will grow dark and the cold on earth will be cruel to humanity; some of you will not be able to stand it.

“At that moment the souls of those who have been love, peace, hope and charity towards their brothers and sisters will be enlightened.

“ You must therefore grow in love, faith and charity so that the Divine Sun would illuminate the lives of those who have remained willing to be closer to the Most Holy Trinity and Our Queen and Mother than to the things of the world.

“The nights will be long and tortuous for those who have walked alone without Our King and Lord in their hearts and disobeying Our Queen and Mother.

“For the mystical body of Christ, suffering will increase faced with the obstacles that will be put in your way, due to the new spirituality that you will not be able to follow without feeling guilty. This is the way of persecuion, of the cross, of falls, of flagellation….the path to pain for the mystical body.

“Children of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother, war is not far away; war will unleash the greatest torture for humanity.

“Nonetheless, not everything is pain for the mystical body of Christ: Food from Heaven awaits you, the fullness of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the unconditional love of Our Queen and Mother; the satisfaction awaits you of having fulfilled your duties as children of the Most Holy Trinity, of having believed and kept the faith.

“Pray, children of the Holy Most Trinity, pray urgently, pray with perseverance, pray with your heart.

“Pray, children of Our Queen and Mother, pray so that in the darkness you might see without light through your fruits of good and love for your neighbor.

“Pray, pray in season and out of season for spiritual strength to be in each of you.

“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for Argentina, which will suffer severely. Pray for Chile, pray for Japan.

“I bless you as the Defender of the Father's Throne.”


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