Within your means

Within your means
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The title of my column may be a proper ending for various phrases or verbs, such as "Live within your means" or "Spend within your means". This phrase may best sum up my take and opinion on the matter involving a female netizen who aired her disappointment over the P299 engagement ring her boyfriend bought for his wedding proposal.

This trending issue has generated varying perspectives with some arguing that the price of the ring does not matter so much because at the end of the day, what is important is that the guy proposed to her and wants to spend his lifetime with his girlfriend.

On the other hand, quite a few seem to agree with the female netizen's thoughts and feelings, saying that if he really values this person in his life, he must have saved up money to even buy a decent ring for her. Additionally, they claim that he must have known what his girlfriend wishes or likes to have in the first place as it also describes how well he knows his loved one especially if they have spent some years together.

Firstly, we have to respect the girlfriend's feelings, and some even clamor against invalidating each other's emotions and thoughts. If she felt disappointed with the kind of engagement ring that her boyfriend bought for the proposal, then we cannot do something about it. We just have to let her be and respect her opinion for that matter.

However, the most important takeaway or lesson from this issue that we can share with the rest of the online community, is the thought that we should all live and act within our means. I would like to share my own experiences that at times, I wanted to purchase a designer bag, but then I realized that I was not in that stature to be able to afford that expensive bag in the first place. This is why, I resolve the feeling of wanting to own an expensive possession with the fact that I need to spend and save up for more important things in life like the education of my children, our own house, and extra savings to cover the rainy days, as they say.

I feel sorry for the guy because, for all we know, it was only what he could afford in the first place. But since he really wanted to propose to his girlfriend, he did not have a choice but to buy that P299 engagement ring from Shopee. With this issue, I hope he's not having second thoughts about marrying his girlfriend after the proposal.

Living within one's means is a fundamental principle that everyone should embrace. Ii is easy to get caught up in the cycle of overspending and accumulating debt. However, by adopting a lifestyle that aligns with our financial capabilities, we can experience numerous benefits. It is crucial for long-term financial well-being and overall happiness. It empowers individuals to take control of their finances, promotes stability and peace of mind, and fosters responsible consumption habits. By embracing this principle, we can lead fulfilling lives while building a secure future for ourselves and those around us.


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