
“Pray as you have never prayed before; the hour is at hand”

Ding Cervantes

Nothing seems to be of importance anymore unless they contribute to our spiritual welfare towards our eternal destination. Pursuits of material nature can find value only if they contribute to spiritual well being or, at least, if they keep us so busy as to keep us away from sinning…which is not exactly how we should live.

For Catholics, the only option is to keep himself in a state of grace by going to Confession and (mortal) sinning no more…which is not easy but then the Sacrament of Confession is not yet about to be abolished…just pray that the nearest priest has the apostolic mien to keep himself available for any penitent. (I say this with lament that many priests these days are indisposed to the sacrament.)

These personal declarations are borne of my conviction that the days of prophesied Great Chastisement is at the door, most likely to commence in full force in the coming months. That is, if the spreading wars, natural disasters (not the rainy season in the Philippines but declarations of states of calamities are being raised in Mindanao despite supposedly dry season), the proliferation of unnatural signs in the skies are not yet categorical manifestations of biblical tribulations. Not my prophecy, but those of credible Catholic mystics who have remained under the guidance of good priests in our times.

Prophecies indicating the unparalleled seriousness of our times now more frequently descend from Heaven in the recent days. Consider the following message from St. Michael the Archangel to third degree Augustinian stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla Last Jan. 30:

“Beloved children of the Most Holy Trinity, I am sent as the Prince of the Heavenly Legions.

“The Earth will move a little more on its axis; some species of animals will disappear and the human race will have to adapt to new climates in the midst of decay in every aspect of life.

“Nature will slowly overwhelm humanity and the nations will be purified by the action of man against God's creation and by actions against man himself.

“How much evil, how much degeneration, how much madness, how much depravity and how many heresies weigh over all humanity!


“By infiltrating the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Freemasonry has led a lukewarm humanity without any wish for Salvation into error.

“CHILDREN, THERE IS A LACK OF PRAYER, A LACK OF PRAYER, A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, LACK OF A FIRM FAITH, one that does not flit from one place to another wanting to know what Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is keeping in reserve for another time.

“Children of Our Queen and Mother, the human race will decline further spiritually - so much so that some Divine Decrees are being brought forward by Divine Will, while other Decrees that are subject to the response of the human creature have been cancelled due to the prayer and the reparation of those who pray, who convert and make reparation for those who do not believe.

“Keep in mind that pride made Satan fall and because of pride, human beings, due to the human ego, do not allow themselves to be humbled, and this consumes them until they fall.

“Children of the Most Holy Trinity, HUMANITY IS IN DANGER, not only from elements coming from Space, but from attacks that have been prepared for the nations of the world. The danger due to the war that has started and is spreading to other countries is serious. War will continue until it becomes widespread and humanity will be overwhelmed by it and by shortages of all sorts.

“WAKE UP, HUMANITY! Do not continue sleeping; you are suffering and will suffer more due to attacks, most of them against Catholicism.

“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray strongly for the protection of men and women who are consecrated to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for the faithful instruments that Heaven has designated to bring you the Divine Word and the Word of Our Queen and Mother.

“Children of the Most Holy Trinity, increase your faith, confess your sins and receive Our King and Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

“PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY: this is not prayer by repetition but praise to the Mother of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and an experience of the life of Our King.

“This very intense calendar year will lead some to greater union with the Most Holy Trinity; it will cause other human beings to rush towards evil of their own free will, JOINING THE HORDES OF THE ANTICHRIST, WHO WILL NOT DELAY IN APPEARING.

“CONTINUE FEARLESSLY TOWARDS UNITY WITH THE MOST HOLY TRINITY; although the future of humanity is full of pain, live with Faith in a new dawn where Our Queen and Mother, united with the Angel of Peace and all the Angelic Legions, will send the Antichrist to the infernal depths by Divine Will, and in the end the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. I bless you.” (End of quote.)

The urgency of the above message was also manifest in the message of Our Lord Jesus to American mystic Jennifer last Jan. 30. Our Lord said:

“My child, I warn my children not to become complacent. Do not remain idle. Pray; pray with love, pray with trust, pray with confidence that you are on this earth for a mission that brings glory and honor to your Heavenly Father. Pray the Rosary and heed the calling of your heavenly mother. She is summoning her children to come back to her Son, for I am Jesus. The more you pray, the greater the fruits of My love will manifest in your life.

“Come to Me in humility with gratitude for all that you have been given, even your suffering. When you offer your suffering in humility and without complaint, you are united to My passion, death, and resurrection. Do not weep for the loss of treasures in this life, for your greatest treasure is in eternity. Come live in the light of My love. Come and prostrate yourself before Me in Adoration. Come to the feet of the cross and immerse yourself in the rays of My Divine Mercy, for I am the King of Mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.”

Earlier last Jan. 28, Our Lord also told Jennifer:

“My child, give these words to the world: My children, stay close to Me for I am Jesus. It is only through prayer that you will render the graces necessary for the upheaval that is soon to spread from one nation to the next. Nations that are will no longer be, for parts of Europe will come to pass. Pray, my children, pray for peace, pray for hearts to soften, for there are many men who hunger for war because they have starved themselves from living in truth. There is no confusion in the truth, for what you deny as truth in this life cannot be denied in the next.

“Pray as you have not prayed before, for the hour is at hand. Call upon the legion of Angels to guide and protect you. Ask the Holy Spirit to aid you in discerning My Will in order for you to live out your mission in this life. Recite the Rosary daily, for it is through My Mother that she will bring you closer to her Son, for I am Jesus. This world is going to begin to rock and tremble for a wave of mourning will come and catch many off guard.

“ I have warned My people that the innocence of My little ones is being stripped away and the sacrifice of these innocent souls is why My Father can no longer restrain His just anger. The precipice which mankind has brought himself to will bring forth the time of warning. It is time to gather your blessed candles and pray, for there is nothing too great for My Mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for My mercy and justice will prevail.”

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