
Meditalk: Needs help for sleep apnea (part 2)

Dr. Fritz Espedilla, MD

(Foreword: This is the continuation of our response to Rambo 2022 on his sleep apnea concerns.)

DEAR Rambo 2022,

Moving on, here are more tips to help you.

2. Exercise.

Even if you do not need to lose weight, regular exercise can help ease your symptoms, especially if it’s of the obstructive type. Thirty minutes of moderate activity thrice a week can help.

3. Say NO to alcohol and certain medications, like tranquilizers and sleeping pills. These relax the muscles in the back of your throat, interfering your breathing.

4. Sleep on your side.

Don’t sleep on your back as this can make your tongue and soft palate rest against the back of your throat blocking your airway. Try placing some tennis balls in your back to prevent you from rolling onto your back while you sleep.

Moreover, raising the head of the bed to 30 to 45 degrees by propping it up with books or cinder blocks can be useful, too.

5. Don’t smoke.

It worsens your problem.

6. Circular breathing techniques and tongue strengthening exercises called myofunctional therapy can help.

But, research is more needed if this is really effective.

7. Nasal steroids and antihistamines can be helpful.

Treatment of allergies using Nasonex, Flonase, and Rhinocort and diphenhydramine or loratadine can be beneficial if you have milder cases of obstructive sleep apnea.

Remember that allergies can cause nasal congestion, which can make breathing more difficult and can cause sleep apnea sufferers to experience more frequent and longer apneas.

8. Foods to avoid: bananas, refined carbohydrates, dairy, alcohol and fatty meats.

Bananas and dairy increase mucus production, refined carbs increase inflammatory response and alcohol causes the muscles in your throat to overrelax.

Good luck!

Dr. Fritz

(Dr. Fritz Legarde Espedilla is an aesthetic dermatologist and surgeon and a clinical sexologist. She is also trained in hypnotherapy and Medical Acupuncture. For your questions, you may send them to Dear Dr. Fritz, c/o SunStar-Davao Publishing Inc., Ebro-Pelayo Building 1, Juan Luna Street., Davao City, or you e-mail them to If you don’t wish your letter to be published, we regret that we cannot answer them. Thank you for your understanding.)

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