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Custodio: Blessings

Jose E. Oliva, Jr.

EARLY this week, I finally opened a new clinic. It came after years of dealing with and recovering from my illnesses which kept me from actually holding regular clinic hours. Picking up where I have left off years and years ago is one long and still ongoing process that has been spiced with so many challenges that there were countless times when I found myself wondering where I was and where I am going.

But here I am, actually able to regain solid footing and actually a bit more optimistic about the future, considering that I feel much like a really, really, really late bloomer (which actually has yet to bloom). The world out there looks exciting and scary at the same time, realizing that your contemporaries have gone way ahead of you and you wonder whether you have what it takes to start this late. You’re not exactly a spring chicken. Haha.So far away from it really.

Yup. You can say this is what a midlife crisis can be made of. Doubts, fears and arthritis! But you know we are all natural swimmers in life. The more we feel that we are sinking, the more we want to fight from slipping into that abyss. And so in the depths of our doubts we look up and see the light. And feel energized, even with just the thought of possibly feeling its warmth. Seriously, we need to try to rise above the cold isolation that comes with being “out of commision” for whatever reason we as individuals might have. We need to take a moment and muster the strength to try again not solely because we have to, but more importantly because we deserve it.

Time to dust yourself up and get back on the saddle guys! Try again!

Sure, making a comeback is not easy. Some give up before even starting but honestly, we should all give ourselves the opportunity to at least try. We should give ourselves a chance to start over and find out if we have learned our lessons well. Indeed, we have learned much from our life experiences, don’t you think we deserve to test our newly formed theories and set it into action? Yup!!

Of course, there will be inner demons ready to prevent us from moving forward. Nobody said it was going to be easy! We KNOW difficulties exist! There will be physical challenges too. I deal with doubts and thoughts of inadequacy everyday..but who doesn’t? We just need to be more positive and hopeful and have faith that when we put in our best efforts, we will get the results that we aim for. The most important thing is not to be paralyzed by fear nor to be disarmed by doubt. Be optimistic but also factor in possible setbacks. Forewarned is forearmed. Keep that in mind because honestly, no plan is ever foolproof. When we set out again in the world, let is be realistic too, that there is a possibility of falling off the horse again. So, we need plan Bs and Cs, even Ds. We need to stay in the realm of realistic expectations, not be carried away into milky way of delusional grandeur! Otherwise, we will be setting be setting ourselves up for disaster. I would really rather start out slow, rather than go full speed and end up in a major crash. I guess we choose to proceed at a pace we are most comfortable with, the important thing is to get things started and to do so with a bit of caution, too.

I was quite pleased with the things that I learned during the opening of my office. In the midst of the blessing, as we held lighted candles, Fr. Erwin asked what the purpose of blessing the place was. I did not answer out loud but I knew that I had wanted it because I believed that by doing so, puts my new endeavour on right footing. It is not so much as leaving any stone unturned but rather, humbly asking for the Creator to shed some light and guidance on my new venture.

More than asking for blessings to be showered upon us, we should also be thankful for the opportunity of pursuing new undertakings in life. It does make sense. All the things that happened in our past had helped build thoughts and dreams that we have for the present and for the future. Without the proper guidance, whether in the guise of good or bad experiences, we would be aimlessly floating down life’s stream, not really having any clear purpose nor focus how things should be. The realization that we were put in this world to live and not to merely exist allows us to aim for bigger things hopefully not only just for ourselves but also for others.

When blessings come to us, we should also become a blessing to others as an expression of gratitude for the graces that we have received. We should go about our lives being more mindful of other people’s needs and feelings. Let us try to be kinder, more understanding and more humane to our fellowmen.

Happy Sunday Everyone! :)

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