
The Joke’s on the Shortsighted: Triumph of Diplomacy Over Disinformation

J. Pelayo IV

In a world saturated with information and misinformation alike, it's easy to mistake noise for signal, and propaganda for truth. But sometimes, the tables turn, and the would-be puppeteers find themselves tangled in their own strings. This is a tale of such an instance, where some know-it-all creature marked by misaligned thoughts, thriving on the darker arts of communication, found himself outplayed at his own game.

There's a certain type of individual who takes perverse pleasure in the missteps of others, particularly those in the challenging realm of public relations. PR, by its nature, is an intricate dance of perception, messaging, and audience engagement. It's a craft that demands not only intelligence and strategy but also a thick skin to endure the inevitable criticism and setbacks. However, the critic in our story—a man who fancies himself a master of manipulation—saw an opportunity to strike when he perceived a PR professional "struggling" in his craft.

This critic, armed with the arrogance that often accompanies ignorance, launched a campaign of black propaganda, hoping to undermine the PR man's efforts and credibility. His goal was simple: to generate engagement through disinformation, to create a spectacle at the expense of another. He expected an easy victory, a public spectacle, and a boost to his own ego.

But here's where the story takes a delightful turn. The PR professional, far from being the hapless victim, saw through the ruse from the start. He understood that engaging with such low tactics would only serve to amplify the critic's message and potentially validate the disinformation. So, he chose a different path: diplomacy.

In a move that Sun Tzu would nod approvingly at, the PR man responded with measured civility, denying the critic the inflammatory reaction he sought. This wasn't just a show of restraint; it was a strategic victory. By refusing to stoop to the level of his adversary, the PR professional turned the tables, making the critic's efforts look petty and transparent.

This is where our critic's shortsightedness becomes glaringly obvious. Like a child on a see-saw, he failed to realize that engagement in the digital age is not just about quantity, but quality. He mistook silence for defeat, not understanding that sometimes, the loudest response is no response at all.

And so, we shout "Eureka!"—not because we've discovered something new, but because we've witnessed the seasoned truth that wisdom often triumphs over wiles. The critic's ill attempt at engagement fell flat, his disinformation fizzled out, and in the end, it was he who became the joke.

Let this be a lesson to all who believe that knowledge is power without understanding that wisdom is its application. Not even Saint Peter can save those who are so blindly confident in their deceitful tactics that they fail to see when they've been outmaneuvered. To the PR professional, we offer a nod of respect—for his diplomacy, for his tact, and for reminding us that sometimes, the best way to confront a lie is to simply let it wither in the light of truth.

So, let us all be thankful that in this instance, diplomacy prevailed. It may have been tempting to bluntly dismiss the critic for his ulterior motives, but in choosing a higher path, the PR man not only maintained his integrity but also provided us with a masterclass in the art of communication. For in his restraint, he demonstrated the power of patience and the strength that lies in composure.

The impulse to respond in kind to such provocations is a natural one. It is human to want to defend oneself against attacks, especially those that are unfounded and malicious. But to engage with a provocateur on their terms is to play a game rigged in their favor. It is to enter a battle that cannot be won, for it is designed not to arrive at the truth, but to distort it.

The critic's failure was two-fold. First, he underestimated his opponent, assuming that any struggle was a sign of weakness, not recognizing the strategic mind at work behind the scenes. Second, and perhaps more fatally, he overestimated the efficacy of his tactics. In his arrogance, he believed that any engagement was good engagement, mistaking the echo chamber he created for a chorus of support.

But the PR man knew better. He understood that sometimes the most powerful statement is the one you don't make. By refusing to engage with the falsehoods, he starved the critic's campaign of the oxygen it needed to thrive. He exposed the disinformation for what it was—a desperate attempt to manufacture controversy and relevance.

In doing so, he reminded us all of a valuable truth: that the high road may be less traveled, but it offers a view that is far more clear. He showed us that when faced with a barrage of disinformation, we have a choice. We can become a part of the cacophony, or we can rise above it.

To those who rely on manipulation and deceit, let this be a warning. The landscape of information is changing, and audiences are becoming more discerning. The cheap tricks and shallow tactics that once garnered attention are now being met with the skepticism they deserve. The joke, it turns out, is on those who have yet to realize that respect and credibility must be earned, not coerced.

In the end, it is not the loudest voice that prevails, but the most genuine. It is not the one who knows all, but the one who understands best. As we navigate the complex world of communication, let us all strive to be more like the PR man—thoughtful, strategic, and above all, diplomatic. For in the end, it is these qualities that will carry us forward, leaving behind those who have nothing to offer but noise.


Kuya J Pelayo IV is a Kapampangan broadcast journalist. For comments and suggestions, e-mail at


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