THE Davao City Police Office (DCPO) has issued P2.3 million worth of citation tickets and temporary operator's permits (TOP) against bora-bora or modified mufflers and other traffic violators from April 7 to 13, 2024, in Davao City.
DCPO Director Col. Richard Bad-ang instructed on Wednesday, April 17, the DCPO’s Traffic Enforcement Unit to intensify operations to create safe roads for motorists and pedestrians.
“This initiative ensures that all traffic violators receive TOPs or citation tickets, making them aware of the violations they have committed,” the official said.
During the operation conducted by the police office, most of the apprehended violators were using “bora-bora” exhaust pipes and other modifications to motorcycles.
The DCPO has collected millions in fines after motor vehicle owners violate local traffic codes such as the Speed Limit Ordinance, Bora-Bora, and the No Helmet, No Travel Policy.
Bad-ang said he urges motorists to respect and adhere to local and national traffic laws.
Meanwhile, in line with the issued citation tickets, at least 537 operations were conducted against bora-bora or illegal mufflers, and 410 operations related to Republic Act 4136, or the Land Transportation and Traffic Code.
The operations resulted in the issuance of fines amounting to P803,616 against bora-bora, and P303,000 fines for violating the Speed Limit Ordinance.
The enforcement of the Local Traffic Code resulted in 598 operations and the issuance of 2,339 citation tickets valued at P1.1 million.
In addition, operations against the No Helmet, No Travel policy resulted in 598 apprehensions equivalent to P74,000 in penalties, while the No Plate No Travel operations led to 598 issuances of tickets amounting to P33,500. Niel Ocatan, DNSC Intern
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